Still an existential question ; unfortunately this question remains legitimate in the eyes of the different actors who operate on the market ...
Know how to check its notoriety, its presence in the media and on the boat shows, its reputation, its history, its experience, make sure to find proper informations and testimonies, check the quality of his offer, beware of generalists who offer you a little of everything, prefer specialized brokers on a niche they know and control.
A broker must know how to accompany you from A to Z on many areas

Your needs
What is your program, your experience, your expectations, your budget, your financial capacity to assume the maintenance, remind you of the current charges as an owner, your deadlines, a desire to live on board or plan a charter management program, your acquisition scheme in terms of taxation (so important and too often neglected ...)
Your Sensitivity
The luxury for you is space and volume, for others it will be the attention to finishes and the refinement of the edge, the desire of flying bridge for the conviviality or not for the elegance of the lines on the water, a brand known and represented worldwide or a rather exclusive and quite unique unit, you are concerned about the resale value or not necessarily (leisure has a price!)
The Survey
The choice of the surveyor is crucial because he must have a multihull sensitivity and a certain experience : the structure, the weaknesses, the navigation, the comportment at sea, the rigging, the home automation management, points which are not comparable or verifiable with any other monohull with sails or engines. I am present with him.
There is the public offer of the market, and the one which remains confidential : an owner who does not wish to communicate about the sale of his boat, in order to preserve his crew, or who has not planned to sell but who will not refuse an unexpected offer, know how to search around the world thanks to a network of confreres and a particularly sharp relationship on many fields.
The Vessel
It is essential to ensure the history of the vessel, its maintenance, how many owners, possible damage, who the crew is, the possible upgrades and work carried out, the existence of the logbook and invoices, to be informed of the inconveniences and moments of satisfaction, to understand the DNA of the boat and to ensure that the version and its equipment correspond to your desires. Know how to prefer a boat which is more than 10 years old, well maintained and well built base, than a last generation ...
The Price
To be at your sides on the offer to be made or the selling price, understand that the market prices are not all "inflated" to allow negotiation ; a selling price must correspond to the supply and demand, it must reflect the general condition of the boat and appreciate itself according to its equipment, its use, the quality of its maintenance, the love of the owners for their boat .. A serious broker will best define the consistent price ; you might be surprised ...
The Contract
Letter of intent prior to an offer to purchase, a legible and complete contract, the management of the deposit in escrow account, any amendments, the sharing of responsibilities and the monitoring of work following the survey, the collection of the documents necessary for the transfer of ownership, the removal of the flag, the registration in the new register, the export, the convoying, the delivery process, the preparation of the vessel, the research of a crew, a harbour place, an insurance, a lawyer, a notary, a bank for financing or leasing, or a shipyard for handling over some refit ....
... and finally Serenity and Pleasure !